We are building the future of investing

We offer investment strategies for a wealthier tomorrow

At Moonbit, we believe everybody should have easy access to hedge fund quality investment products

A revolution in investing. For everyone, everywhere.

At Moonbit, we believe the future of investing resides in technology and innovation, not privilege. For too long, high-quality investment strategies have been accessible only to the wealthy, tucked away in hedge funds with steep entry requirements.We started Moonbit to change this financial landscape.

Our mission began in crypto, where we saw an untapped potential to harness the power of tactical quant portfolios. Our unique blend of cutting-edge technology and financial acumen led us to create a robo advisory platform that opens doors previously closed to everyday investors.

Our partners

Moonbit partners with industry leaders Quarterback, Ceffu, and Sumsub to provide a comprehensive, high-quality service to our clients. These partnerships help us create effective and profitable portfolios, ensure the safety and insurance of our clients' cryptocurrencies, and stay compliant while offering seamless verification.


Meet our team

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Alexander Thomsen

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Jeong Boyoung

Quant Developer
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Uilsee Batbold

Software Engineer
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Donghoon Lee

Quant Developer
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Turoo Nyamaa

Software Engineer
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Melissa Joubert

Social Media Marketer

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